Located in the south eastern of Mexico, a limestone platform composed of the states of Quintana Roo, Yucatan and and Campeche.
The Yucatan peninsula, cradles of the Mayan civilization this land is arid but culturally rich and hides in the subsoil a primordial wealth to humanity, water.
This peninsula is bordered to the north and west by the Gulf of Mexico, to the east by the Caribbean Sea and the second largest barrier reef in the world.

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The peninsula is a large limestone plateau which was found dry a million years ago. For thousands of years rainwater has dug rock and formed the world's largest cave, underground river, lake and sinkhole (Ts’ono’ot or Cenote) system. The Yucatan Peninsula has more than 4000 Cenote (sinkhole) and just in the state of Quintana Roo about 2000 km of flooded underground networks and 500 km of dry caves have been explored to date.
An incredible geological richness due to the different periods of creation of the peninsula, which gave birth to several types of Cenote and geomorphology of tunnels according to geographic areas.

Speleothem in Cenote

Taj Mahal cave system

Virgen cenote

Speleothem in Cenote
The eastern part of the Yucatan peninsula is particularly rich in caves. There are the largest networks of flooded caves in the world (Sac Actun system: 364 km, Ox Bel Ha system: 271 km, K’oox Baal system: 99 km). The first explorations took place in the 1980s, since the explorers discovered a little less than 2000 km of galleries.
The peculiarity of the caves in the east of the peninsula is the incredible amount and diversity of geological formation and the effects created by the halocline (interface between fresh and salt water). In the center of the peninsula the caves are less developed but deeper and with a completely different geomorphology but remain very interesting.
Cenote Cave Diving offers caving divers to discover the caves of the Yucatan Peninsula, whether in Back Mount, Sidemount, Diving with stage, rebreather or DPV.

Cave diving in Mexico

Sidemount cave diver

Cave diving course

Cave diving in Mexico
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Certain cave entrances called caverns are accessible from the first diver level (Open Water / CMAS 1 *). Whether in the Quintana Roo or in the Yucatan you can, depending on your level and experience, discover unique atmospheres in caverns unique in the world.

Cavern diving at Cenote Car Wash

Cavern at Casa Cenote

Diving in mangrove

Cavern diving at Cenote Car Wash
The coast of Quintana Roo is bordered by the largest barrier reef in the Northern Hemisphere. It begins off the coast Honduras and ends north of the Yucatan Peninsula.
The north and south reefs in Playa del Carmen are still in good condition and have abundant marine life. In front of Playa del Carmen is the Cozumel Island, known for its coral formations and vertical drop-offs.